Customized Blogger Template ~ $100.00
What is included :
- a complete customized design to include header, background, signature, post divider, and color matching for posting and sidebar areas.
- a 125x125 linking button for your blog
- 5 iStock or StockXpert credits
- installation
If you would like a design using a digital scrap kit, the charge for the kit and any license fees will be added to your invoice. Kits range in price from approx. $3 to $8. License fees range from $0 to $25.
Customized Blog Header and Color Match ~ $60.00
What is included :
- a complete customized header for your blog
- 5 iStock or StockXpert credits
- installation of the header to your blog
- template color matching including background color, sidebar color(s), link colors and text colors(if desired)
Customized Blog Header ~ $50.00
What is included :
- a complete customized header for your blog
- 5 iStock or StockXpert credits
- installation of the header to your blog
Pre-Made Blogger Templates ~ Prices Vary
All pre-made templates are sold only one time. They can be updated and installed to your blog in 5 business days or less.
What is included :
- pre-made template
- your blog title and tagline (optional) added
- your profile photo added (optional)
- installation
Buttons ~ Starting at $5.00
What is included :
- a customized button to suit your needs
- 2 iStock or StockXpert credits
- one revision
Design Add-Ons:
- Standard Navigation Menu (standard text font used) $15.00
- Custom Navigation Menu (custom images made for bar) $30.00
- Custom Side Bar Headings / Elements 10 for $12.00 (additional $1.50 each)
- Header photo change $5.00
- Drop Down Lists for Side Bar sections $10.00 for every 2 drop down lists
- Favicon $10.00
Prices effective on all orders received 10/27/09 and after.